Case Study

Case: 1 - Coimbatore

June 20th 2024

The Chennai Silk, located in Coimbatore Town Hall, is famous for its high-quality textiles and attracts a large number of customers daily. However, the limited parking space available at the textile store has led to congestion, inconvenience for customers, and traffic problems in the busy area. To address this challenge, ParkLayer has emerged with a smart parking solution by restructuring the parking experience with its vertical rotary parking system.


  • The small parking area at Chennai Silk could only accommodate a few cars at a time, leading to congestion and frustration among customers and local residents.
  • The unavailability of car parking facility at the show room let to drop in the sales of the store.
  • Large number of drivers were employed to provide valet parking to customers. Managing the driver work force was not only expensive but also a tedious one.
  • The insufficient parking facilities resulted in traffic congestion in the surrounding area, impacting the overall mobility and safety of pedestrians and motorists.

About us:

Parklayer is at the forefront of India's mechanical car parking machine market. Our facilities are top-notch, ensuring high-quality standards and strong, reliable products. Joint venture with Dong Yang PC, we bring over 30 years of experience to prioritize customer happiness.

Drawing Before/After - Layout




  • ParkLayer introduced a state-of-the-art vertical rotary parking system at Chennai Silk, maximizing the use of the available space and significantly increasing parking capacity that the system can accommodate up to 42 cars now in the same space where only 4 to 5 cars could be parked previously.
  • When the site was handed over to the Parklayer the customer had an area of 1097.14 sq. Ft which parked 8 cars and 5 bikes, even though it was a narrow site, Parklayer proposed unique solution to install vertical rotary parking system back-to-back facilitating the customer to park 42 cars possibly in the same giving area.
  • The machines were installed on pre-fabricated columns enabling the customer to park 5 bikes in the basement.
  • Parklayer has also proposed a turntable to be installed at the entrance of the parking space to provide ease to reverse the car in such a congested road.
  • The drivers employed are considerably reduced as Parklayer’s machines are easy to park and retrieve the car by the end user themselves.
  • Thus, the solution executed by Parklayer has tremendously increased the car parking space up to 6 times, now the customer is very satisfied even after using the machines for 10 years without any breakdown.